Monday, April 25, 2011

Friptura de miel traditionala (Traditional Roast Lamb)

Please scroll down for English version

            Luna aceasta Dulce Romanie a fost gazduit de Mimmi de la Bucate pe alese, care a propus 2 ingrediente potrivite pentru sarbatoarea de Paste: mielul si mierea. Cum eu nu sunt un fan miere si o folosesc destul de rar, o sa particip cu reteta de friptura de miel, clasica, probabil multi dintre voi o preparati la fel :)
            Chiar daca nu gatesc foarte des miel, de Paste aceasta friptura e traditionala acum la noi in casa, zic asta pentru ca in trecut nu puteam suferi nici mirosul macar, dar dupa cum vedeti gusturile se schimba cu timpul :) Din cand in cand mai prepar o tocanita de miel cu cartofi (reteta mea) sau ciorba de miel cu macris, aceasta din urma e putin mai dificila, caci nu gasesc macris pe aici, sau nu stiu sa caut :))).Dar sa revenim la reteta...Eu nu am marinat carnea caci nu am rabdarea necesara, dar daca doriti o puteti lasa in vin cu condimente vreo 6 ore inainte de a pune la cuptor. Daca stiti vreo reteta deosebita cu carne de miel, va rog sa  lasati un comment cu mai multe detalii :)  Si acum sa incepem...


     1,5 kg carne de miel pentru friptura
     6-7 catei usturoi
     300 ml vin rosu
     putin ulei
     sare, piper

Cum se face:      

Mai intai spalam carnea foarte bine, absorbim apa de pe ea si o condimentam dupa preferinta, mie imi place simpla, ca sa iasa in relief mai bine gustul carnii.
Intr-o tava mare, punem 2 linguri de ulei si asezam carnea.

Zdrobim usturoiul , adaugam vreo 3-4 linguri de apa, amestecam si turnam peste carne din loc in loc.

Deasupra turnam 200 ml vin rosu si 2 pahare de apa.

Acoperim tava cu capac (sau foaie de staniol) si introducem tava in cuptorul preincins la 200 grade pentru primele 30 minute, dupa care reducem temperatura la 190 grade si lasam aproximativ 1 ora.
 Este indicat sa verificati din 30 in 30 minute carnea, sa vedeti daca mai e nevoie de apa.
Punem inca 100 ml vin pe final, cand carnea este aproape gata.Mai lasam 15 minute.
Luam capacul jos si lasam sa se rumeneasca pt 5 minute.
Scoasa din cuptor:

Carnea este frageda, suculenta pe interior si usor rumenita pe exterior, exact asa cum trebuie :)
Noi am servit cu garnitura de cartofi piure si salata de cruditati.

Cartofii se vad frumos, piureul il face de obicei sotul meu, ii iasa superb :)

Si carnea mai de aproape...

Din alt unghi :)

Sper ca ati avut niste Sarbatori Pascale frumoase cu cei dragi langa voi!

English version    

                  This month Dulce Romanie was organised by Mimmi from Bucate pe alese, who suggested 2 ingredients, appropriate for Easter I would say: lamb and honey. Since I'm not a huge fan of honey which I use rarely, I'll participate with my roast lamb recipe, classic, probably many of you make it the same way :)
                  Even though I don't cook lamb very often, on Easter, this roast lamb is traditional these days in our home, I'm saying these because in the past I couldn't even stand the smell of lamb, but as you can see taste changes in time :) From time to time I make lamb stew (my recipe) or a lamb soup with watercress, the soup is a little more difficult to make since I can't find watercress, or I don't know where to look for it :))). Back to the recipe...I didn't marinate the meat since I don't have the necessary patience, but if you want to marinate it, you can leave the meat with some red wine and spices to sit for 6 hours before you cook it. If you have any favorite recipes for lamb, please feel free to leave a comment with more details :) And now let's begin...

     1,5 kg lamb for roasting
     6-7 garlic cloves
     300 ml red wine
     some oil
     salt, pepper

How it's made:         

We first wash the meat very well, and we absorb the water with paper towels and we spice it up by taste, I like it simple so the lamb flavour is really intense.
In a bis roasting pan we pour 2 tablespoons of oil and we place the spiced meat.
We crush the garlic and we mix it with 3-4 tablespoons of water and we pour it on top of the meat from place to place.
We pour 200 ml of red wine and 2 glasses of water, we add more salt, we cover the pan with a lid or with foil and we place the pan in the preheated oven at 400 degrees for 30 minutes, after which we reduce the temperature to 380 degrees for another hour.
I recommend you check the meat from time to time for tenderness, to add more water if it's necessary, or to reduce the temperature.  
We pour another 100 ml of wine when the meat is almost done. We leave it another 15 minutes.
When the meat is tender, we remove the lid and we let it roast nicely for 5 minutes.
Fresh from the oven:
The meat is tender, juicy on the inside and a little bit crisp on the outside, exactly like it should be :)
We served the lamb with mashed potatoes, made by my husband, who makes the best mashed potatoes in the world :)

Hope you had a wonderful Easter! (for those of you who celebrate Easter)


  1. Alina, the lamb looks absolutely delicious! I am sure the wine makes the lamb so flavorful... and quite tender.
    By the way, the Easter eggs look absolutely phenomenal! SO, very elegant! Thank you for sharing your step-by step photos...and for sharing the recipe:). It makes it so easy for everyone to try.
    Have a beautiful day!

  2. Trebuie sa incercam reteta asta data viitoare cand gatim miel; am facut si noi de Pasti si a fost ok, dar nu asa de suculent cum imi place mie.

  3. Thank you Ellie for stopping by! ope you had a wonderful Easter! the lamb is very tender, more tender than chicken I would say :) I'm glad you like the Easter eggs, it's the first time I make them myself, so I'm happy with all the positive feedback from you guys! Have a beautiful week!

    Thank you Carol, it's really plain and simple roast lamb, but it tastes amazing!

    Garofit, sper sa iti placa, daca vrei carnea si mai suculenta, o poti marina cu cateva ore inainte :) o sapatamana frumoasa sa ai!

  4. We had lamb to celebrate Easter at our house also. Your recipe looks so good with the garlic and wine....I'll have to try it.

  5. Hristos a inviat!
    Cat de bine arata......ti-as face o vizita......hahaha.
    Pup draga mea!

  6. Thank you Susie! I hope you'll like it!

    Adevarat a inviat! te-as chema la mine for lunch daca ai sta mai aproape! Te pup!

  7. Oh, boy! Lamb AND mashed potatoes? My husband would be in heaven if I made this for dinner...your lamb recipe sounds marvelous!

  8. I know where you're coming from Lizzy! my husband goes nuts for this dish, it's so flavourful that he just can't resist :)

  9. Your lamb looks and sounds wonderful, proving yet again that simple is often the best way to go. I hope you had a wonderful holiday. Blessings...Mary

  10. Alina, arata bine mielul tau, si in vin si usturoi sunt sigura ca a fost bun :)

  11. Mary, I always prefer the simple dishes, they always have a very authentic flavour :) I had a very peaceful and beautiful Easter, I really enjoyed it, hope it was the same for you! Have a nice evening!

    Multumesc Mihaela! imi place mult preparat asa, exact cum zice Mary, simplu, dar de multe ori in simplitate sta frumusetea :)

  12. Dau la schimb rice pudding, deja imi ploua in gura :))

  13. :)) Bun deal Guvi! si eu vreau niste budinca delicioasa de la tine! Pup!

  14. Hristos a inviat Alina ! imi ploua in gura cu gandul la mielul tau ! :))

  15. Adevarat a inviat Antonina! E foarte gustos mielul preparat asa, sa-l incerci cand ai ocazia :) Te pup!

  16. The lamb looks perfect and those potatoes are ultra creamy :)

  17. Alisha, we're not huge fans of lamb and this is one of the few ways we like it, but mashed potatoes are always creamy at our table, for some reason I don't like to see any chunks of potatoes in them :))

  18. mielul ca mielul ... dar pireul arata mai deicios, fiecare cu ce ii place :)

  19. Asa-i fratioare? :) ma bucur ca iti place piureul, stii ca Remus il face, nu? :) Bisoux pour toi!

  20. La noi de Pasti, mama facea o tocanita de miel nemaipomenita. Carnea taiata in bucati potrivite, era calita cu ceapa alba putin timp, se adauga poprica dulce, sare si piper si apoi se punea un pic de apa si se lasa la foc potrivit. Din cand in cand se mai adauga apa. Cand carnea este fiarta bine, apa a scazut si s'a format un sos foarte gustos, se adauga patrunjel verde, se acopera cu un capac si se ia de la foc. Se serveste cu mamaliga. Este cea mai buna mancare pe care am mancat'o vreodata. Ca salata, pe atunci cand eram eu copil, o mancam cu castraveti murati. Nu aveam acces la aceasta mancare decat dupa ce veneam de la biserica, luam trei lingurite de "Pasti", adica prescura cu vin pe care il aduceam de la biserica intr'o cana acoperita cu o batista, si ziceam de trei ori "Hristos a inviat". Mama pregatea tocanita de miel pe la ora 4-5 dimineata si ne astepta cand veneam de la "Inviere", cu aceasta delicatesa si cu mamaliga aburinda.
    Reteta dumneavoastra e imbietoare, dar... mancarea pe care o facea mama...
    Sunt sigur ca o sa ma intelegeti! Felicitari pentru reteta, este imbietoare. Am sa incerc sa o pregatesc si eu, cu ajutorul sotiei...

  21. Multumesc frumos de comentariu, ma bucur cand oamenii isi amintesc cu drag mancarurile de acasa, facute de mama sau bunica, nu e nimic mai deosebit ca amintirile acestea!
    Fac si eu tocanita de miel uneori, daca ni se face pofta :) sper sa incercati friptura de miel, este foarte gustoasa! Paste Fericit si multa liniste sufleteasca langa cei dragi!

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Astept comentariile voastre cu mult drag, pentru ca sunt foarte importante pentru mine si ma bucura de fiecare data! Va multumesc mult! (I'm always waiting to see the comments on my posts, they're very important to me and they make me smile each time! Thank you so much!)